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Friday, March 28, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day

For breakfast, I pulled out the green food. Just the usual- scrambled eggs, muffins, applesauce, orange juice. The kids were so amazed at my sneaky skill. Avery was (and still is) quite convinced that leprechauns were in our house. That scared Cole, so I told him my food coloring secret. Avery still didn't believe me and continued to tell me about the mysterious goings on in her class last year. Goofy girl. It was a yummy breakfast.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Avery joined in the Sparks-A-Rama this morning (formerly the AWANA Olympics). She was one of the smaller kids, so naturally she didn't play as much as she should have, but when she played she had a grand time. They placed 3rd in their circle. I am so proud of her. She got to stand up for finishing almost 2 books during her 2 years of Sparks.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cole's Big News

Tonight after reading to the kids, Cole began asking questions about Jesus. He had asked a few weeks ago while we were in the car, but Bryan was at school. I told Cole we would talk about it when Daddy was around. Tonight he started all on his own. He was able to answer the questions Bryan asked and even quoted his Cubbie verse, "All have sinned." I can't believe the big decisions such a small little guy can make, and we are so encouraged to help him build his relationship with God.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fun Boys

Cole and Quentin have had so much fun playing outside. Quentin cries when the door is open and the screen is closed for me to let him out. We actually cut down a bunch of dead/ icky trees Saturday and planted a few new ones. The kids helped me plant a garden with a few veggies (along with the compost I made!). We had so much fun, but are sore and now have blisters. Oh it was great!
Another cute thing happened last week. We missed a birthday party (Mommy forgot) last weekend for a friend, Noah. I thought Cole had forgotten, so I didn't say anything to him. A few days later he asked, "When is Noah's birthday party?" I told him we weren't able to go and that it had already passed. He mumbled under his breath, "Darn, I really wanted to see all the animals." It took me a minute... and I made the connection Noah- the animals- the ark. Bryan and I tried so hard not to laugh. It was so sweet.

Father/Daughter Dance

After a late night and an evening of learning the Cha Cha Slide, a very tired Avery went to sleep smiling. She and Bryan attended the Father/Daughter Dance at school. I hear that the dads mostly talk while the kids dance and play, but it was still a fun night for them both. Cole and I stayed home and ate root beer floats.