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Friday, February 15, 2008

Cory's bragging

I finished two projects this week. The first is a quilt I made for Quentin. I started it about 2 years ago, and it is now done. The second is my low cost Valentine for the kids. I cut pictures out of animal magazines and wrote them a note using the animal names. Hopefully it is clear enough to read some of it. It was a quiet Valentine's Day. Avery was home sick, so we just relaxed. We ate dinner by candlelight, and had root beer floats for dessert.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Crazy Hair Night

Wednesday was Crazy Hair Night at AWANA, so, what did we do, HAIR! We used left over spray glitter, and even pulled out the crimper. I redid Cole's hair today (minus the glitter) and it may end up being his new look.