Sunday, January 27, 2008
Surprise Trip
Today as a surprise, we traveled to Hanford on the train. We got to the Amtrak station and the kids had no idea. They were 5 feet from the tracks and said, "Maybe we can see a train". Oh, little did they know. We raced on (the kids and I were in the bathroom), and rode 35 minutes. We couldn't find Panera Bread, so we ate at Carl's Jr., then ate ice cream at Superior Dairy. Then walked back to the train. All in all, we figure we walked 3 miles or so and the kids were great. They did fall a lot, Cole nailed his head on the pavement. When we got home, he was running down the hall and slipped again into the wall. The knot doubled in size and he will have a beautiful purple head tomorrow. I'm posting two sets of pictures just because my kids (and Tiffany's) are so darn cute. Avery is apparently trying out for "America's Next Top Model" because I can't take a "normal" picture of her anymore- notice the posing. It was such a beautiful day, the kids were so good, and we all came home still smiling.

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Surprise Trip (part 2)
So, on our trip, the kids got to go to the front of the train with the crew to look out the window. They also waved at a police car waiting at the front of the drive through window at Arby's. One of the officers stepped out and walked over to the kids. She gave them stickers and talked with them for a few minutes (meanwhile the line at Arby's is getting longer. ) Then walked back and got into her car. We took it as a good opportunity to tell the kids how important police officers are if they ever get lost.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
And here it is...
I am actually hearing a drum roll right now. Thank you to all who sent birthdays. Bryan, the kids, and I decorated our own birthday months, and Cole and I finished our chart this morning. If I neglected to ask anyone for their birthdays, please send them to me. My goal is to pray with the kids for those people during their month. A funny side note- of all the people who have candles on the cakes, we have 4 dates that celebrate 2 birthdays each. How cool!
Happy Days
Few things make me happier than to see Bryan loving his kids. He loves to read to them, so as they were reading Amelia Bedelia, I had to capture it. Quentin has also discovered the wonderful world of dress-up. Due to a huge lack of boy dress-up, he is forced to look like a lady (and how lovely he is).

Monday, January 21, 2008
Hula Hooper
Avery came racing in as proud as can be and yelled, "I hula hooped 13 times before it fell." I told Bryan to grab the camera. This is what we saw.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I like big bums...
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Fresno Zoo
Saturday Melissa and Elijah (& EJ), their friends Emily and Aaron (& Madi, Kate, Abby, Levi), and I with my brood went to the zoo. The animals were awake and playful. The kids had fun. Every time we go the favorite thing is the elephants (especially seeing the gross elephant pool where Bryan and Melissa swam as kids), and this time was no exception. We also fed the giraffes and watched the seal feeding. The goofy pic of Quentin is his newest face for pictures.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Christmas Fun
Every year, we look back on the Christmas celebrations, and wish they weren't over, but are relieved to not be so busy. This year, I tried to slow it down for the kids. Each day we added a magnet to our Nativity scene and read a piece of the story. Avery and Cole looked forward to that time each day. Of course, the presents were fun, too. Christmas Eve was spent at the Mullins house, followed by Christmas morning at our house (the first time in our marriage) , and dinner back at my parents'. Bryan loved his coffee quilt, and had no idea I'd been working on it- since September.

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