Today we went to the Discovery Center. We'd never been, and a friend, Nicki, invited us. She has 3 beautiful kids (and is pregnant with #4). There was a special event going on about rockets and flight. The kids made "rockets" out of film canisters, alka-seltzer tablets, and water. There was a huge pond for catching frogs, crawfish, tadpoles, fish, and we even saw a turtle. We sat in the shade and ate lunch just in time to see the main event. A helicopter flew in and landed on the grass. The kids lined up to sit in it while parents flashed pictures and the pilot gave them lollipops. Oh, we didn't get any of the kids in the helicopter. Kidding! I just couldn't fit them into one post. There were also bubble stations. I think the grown-ups had more fun with those- and yes Bryan told us all about the math behind them. When it got too hot and we were tired, we left.